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SLC Agrícola receives Best ESG Award from Exame magazine for the second time


New edition of the Integrated Report released


Horizonte SLC is present at South Summit Brazil 2023


Partnership between SLC Sementes and Kothe Agro inaugurates the most modern soybean seed processing and storage industry in Latin America


Demoday: event marks completion of the Startup Boosting Program 

SLC Ventures, the startup investment and acceleration arm of SLC Agrícola, on February 10, promoted the “Demoday” of its first Startup Boosting Pro...


SLC Agrícola enters the main sustainability index of the Stock Exchange

SLC Agrícola has taken an important step in consolidating its presence on the B3, the country's official stock exchange


MORE AGRO program among the top three SAP projects in the country

The More Agro Program, developed by SLC Agrícola, was among the best SAP projects in the country, at the 2022 Impact Awards, released by ASUG Brasi...


SLC Agrícola receives Gold Certificate on greenhouse gas emission

SLC Agrícola was recognized by the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program with the Gold Seal, which is the highest level for the transparent way it makes d...



CDI Comunicação Corporativa william@cdicom.com.br (11) 97648-7626